Join us
The World Hankimuye Federation recognizes the positive effects the practice of martial arts can have on people’s life. Sharing time on the mat with like minded people is the best way to achieve these effects. If you want to get on the mat with us in an environment of mutual respect, trust and a willing-to-learn-and-share mind set, please contact us.
The tool we use is a martial art we have labeled hankimuye. Literally this means Korean Ki martial arts. Martial arts bases on hapki (합기 or 合氣) or coordinated energy. Circle, flow and harmony are the three principles of hankimuye. The roots of hankimuye are hapkido, hankido and hankumdo.
Seminars and clinics
Our federation would like to share time on the mat with people who are interested in principle bases martial arts. We do this by hosting seminars and by making ourselves available to teach at seminars or teach clinics at dojangs around the world.
If you are interested in hosting a seminar with one of our instructors, feel free to contact us.
Schools that want to add hankimuye to their curriculum and instructors that want to achieve certification are invited to contact the federation. We charge only a school membership fee of 120 USD per year. There is no fee for individual members. Our federation offers an extensive black belt and instructor certification program to those who are intersted.
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