Master Ko Se-hwan

Master Ko Se-hwan (고세환, 7th dan) is master Ko Baek-yong’s second son. Master Ko Se-hwan practically grew up with martial arts and learned his first steps in his father’s gym. After he served in the army, master Ko Se-hwan started training with his father even more regularly. In the following years he accompanied his father on overseas trip and in later years started teaching internationally on his own as well.
Although his father’s teachings obviously had the biggest influence on master Ko Se-hwan, there were and are other people that had a big influence on his style. Most notably these are master Han Si-hwan (hankumdo) and master Seo Myeong-won (taichi).
Head instructor
After master Ko Baek-yong passed away, master Ko Se-hwan became the head-instructor of our federation. In this role it is his duty to safe guard the integrity of our federation. Master Ko Sehwan runs the World Hankimuye HQ in Seosan, South-Korea. In recent years he has taught seminars in Finland, the Netherlands, Turkey, Thailand, Singapore and the United States as well as hosting several international training camps in Korea.
International school
Master Ko Sehwan now runs his own school in Seoul and Incheon under the name International Martial Arts School. It is a place where hankimuye and taichi are taught daily, but also a place where different martial arts are shared among peers. Looking for what unites us as martial artists is more valuable than looking for the differences.
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