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Photo blog: Istanbul day 5


On Saturday members from other schools were welcome to train with us. After the regular morning sessions teachers and students from several schools in Istanbul started arriving at the dojang. The seminar started with an introduction in hankido with techniques number one, five and twelve.
These techniques were taught together with the accompanying visualisation techniques called hwansangdobeop.

Morning training
Regular morning class with master Ko Baek-yong.

Hankido seminar
Introduction of hankido during an open seminar.

hankido seminar
gwanjeolgibeop hankido
hankido master ko baek-yong

Hankumdo training
An introduction of hankumdo and hangul. Writing Turkey in Korean.

hankumdo turkey
hankumdo turkey
hankumdo turkey
hankumdo turkey
hankumdo turkey
hankumdo turkey

seminar closing
At the end of the seminar there were presents for the teachers, a first dan certificate for Yasin Erdogan and a proper black belt for Cem Uymak.

istanbul hankido seminar
istanbul hankido seminar
istanbul hankido seminar
yasin erdogan
yasin erdogan 1st dan
yasin erdogan hankido black belt
cem uymak hankido
cem uymak hapkido
hankido seminars