Hankimuye Seminar Bangkok
Last Sunday the first seminar of our federation took place in Thailand. At the school of master Attawiboon Kampansak located in Central Plaza, Bangkok. Martial arts enthusiasts from all over Bangkok came to the seminar.
It was Mr. Krishana Leelanuchpinyo who had invited international instructors Ko Sehwan and Klaas Barends to teach the principles of hankido in Thailand.
The seminar started with an introduction of hankido’s self defence principles and the importance of balance. Instructor Ko Sehwan demonstrated how with proper balance it is easy to counter joint lock techniques. After this he taught how to break the opponents balance without the use of force, thus opening up the possibility for a joint lock or throw that does work. It proved to be a big eye opener for the participants.
Hankumdo and falling
After a short break instructor Ko Sehwan introduced hankumdo to the adult participants of the seminar. They learned the basics of Korean sword fighting. Meanwhile Klaas Barends worked with the younger students on their falling skills.
After the seminar Attawiboon and Krishana invited both instructors to diner. Plans are made for further visits and a wider introduction of our federation in Thailand. Klaas will probably visit Thailand again February next year.
Both instructors did not only teach hankido in Thailand. They also had some time to visit a few highlights of the capital and try some great Thai dishes.
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