Hankimuye Fall Seminars 2014
In October five members from the United States and Texas visited the Hankimuye headquarters in Incheon to take part in the first Hankimuye Fall Seminars. For two weeks they trained three to four times a day under the guidance of master Ko Baek-yong.
Tom Foucha and Tim Sorensen from Sangmookwan Texas together with Roland van Boxtel, Wim van der Linden and Klaas Barends of the Dutch HKD Federation were also present at the official opening of the Hankimuye headquarters, demonstrating their skills for all the guests that attended the opening.
Every morning we practiced hwansandobeop in the park followed by hankumdo sword training back in the gym. At night the participants trained together with the Korean students. In between the different training sessions private instruction was given by master Ko Baek-yong. A visit was made to Sangmukwan Gimpo of master Kim Chan-su and master Baek Sang-heon was brought in as a guest instructor to teach about martial arts principles.
At the end of their stay both Roland and Tim took their hankido dan tests. Roland passed the test for second dan, while Tim tested successfully for his first dan. The two weeks of hard practice that preceded the test, paid off very well.
All participants returned home where they will share their newly gained knowledge with the members of their own schools. We are looking forward to the Hankimuye Spring and Fall Seminars of 2015.
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