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Hankido black belt tests


Master Ko Baek-yong is in Texas teaching instructors and student of Sangmukwan Texas. On Friday, October 28 three members of our federation tested successfully for their next black belt level. Instructor Tom Foucha was promoted to 4th-degree black belt while Lance McKee and Tim Sorensen, both trainers at Sangmukwan Texas, were promoted to 2nd-degree.

hankido black belt testIt was five years ago since master Ko Baek-yong visited Texas. In the past week master Ko has been teaching hankido at the school in the Woodlands, just north of Houston. It turned out to be the perfect way to prepare for the test. The test focused not only on the technical skills of the candidates but on their ability to teach hankido as well.


On Saturday master Ko will teach an open seminar. On Monday master Ko will return to Korea. Instructor Klaas Barends, who has accompanied master Ko, will travel to Los Angeles and Haiti to teach at our federation’s schools.


hankido black belt test