Haïti seminars and exams
Recently two instructors of our federation visited Haïti. Michael Lee and Klaas Barends visited the Mission of Love and Hope in Cité Soleil, the poorest commune of Haïti. The Mission runs a church, hospital, school and supports four local orphanages. Ten students follow a instructor course of our federation which should enable them to teach hankido at the orphanage and open their own school.
Michael and Klaas would teach the instructor course in the morning and pay visits to the orphans in the afternoon. Every morning was filled with a five hour class. Michael had been to Haïti several times before, for Klaas it was his first visit to Haïti. At the end of the week the ten soon-to-be-instructors tested for their next geup.
The highest ranking members have begun teaching at the orphanages already. A project has been started to supply the orphanages with more training material. We are raising money to fund mats, doboks, targets and sparring gear.
Your donations are more than welcome.
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