The future of hankimuye
On Sunday October 23, 2022 several instructors of our federation got together to talk about the future of hankimuye. They did this during a private seminar with master Ko Sehwan who is visiting Europe at the moment. Some instructors in the Netherlands have had a relation with master Ko Baek-yong, founder of our federation, dating back more than 30 years. The Netherlands has the largest number of hankimuye dojangs in the world.

First point on the agenda was the decision to appoint Tijmen de Heus and Jenne Meijster as ‘wonlo’ of our federation. Wonlo, or elder, are people who are held in high regard within an organisation because of their good character and long history within that organisation. Tijmen and Jenne are both highly respected people within the Dutch Hankimuye Federation and the World Hankimuye Federation. Tijmen has played a very important role in establishing contacts with master Ko Baek-yong back in the late ’80s. If it wasn’t for him, there probably wouldn’t have been a Dutch Hankimuye Federation. Jenne joined the organisation in the early 90’s and as always been a strong supporter of our organisations.
Our organisation consults the senior advisors on important matters and it is their job to keep the organisation on the right path. Their opinion on these matters is highly valued. It is thus with great joy that we can announce that both masters have agreed to assume this role within our organisation.
Today we announce that from now on we use the name hankimuye for our style. Instead of seeing the arts of hankido, hapkido and hankumdo as three separate systems we think it is better to teach them as one integrated style. No separate dan certificates will be issued anymore, instead there will be one hankimuye certificate people can test for.

Hankimuye literally means ‘Korean Ki Martial Arts’. We teach the principles of traditional martial arts for modern situations. We recognize the positive effects training martial arts has on people, and acknowledge that training together enhances that positive effect. If you share these ideas you are more than welcome to join our organisation.
Our federation is looking for ways to grow. When we think of growth however, we don’t just think quantity but mostly quality. At the same time we know that with more people you can get more done. Training will always be our first and foremost method to spread hankimuye. Be it through seminars or instructor courses. If you are interested in hosting a seminar with one of our instructors, please contact us. For our existing members we are exploring the possibility to host a games event in which students can demonstrate their abbilities.
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