Hankimuye fall seminars 2014
The first official Hankimuye fall seminars will take place from October 13 until 24, 2014. We invite everyone to visit our Korean headquarters and train with us in hankido, hapkido and hankumdo during these two weeks. Those people with the required ‘time in grade’ will be able to test for their next dan-rank at the end of the two weeks.
Since 1992 master Ko Baek-yong has hosted these seminars at his school, Sangmukwan. For the first time these seminars will now be held under the banner of the World Hanki Martial Arts Federation. The concept however is unchanged: lots of training at an affordable price.
As always you can stay in the gym where you will train, sleep and eat. We are currently relocating the gym to Incheon so you will be the first who get to use the new facility. There will be three to four training sessions per day. One early morning hankumdo sessions around 7:00 am followed by a morning session of hankido self defence after breakfast and another one after lunch. In the evening there will be a training session with the local students, the subject of this class differs from day to day.
The costs for training are 500 USD per week. This includes your training, food and a place to sleep and a guided tour in the weekend. The price does not include your airfare to Korea. If you need more information or want to join us, please use the contact page.
Hankimuye fall seminars
The Hankimuye fall seminars as well as the spring seminars are open to anyone who want to learn true hankido and hankumdo. The WHMAF does not provide people with invitation letters for a visa when such thing is required. Participants are advised to arrive in Korea prior to the seminars on either Saturday or Sunday October 11 or 12. We also advise you to book your return flight on either Saturday or Sunday October 25 or 26. However it is possible to stay longer at additional costs.
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