USA Hankimuye Seminars 2014
In the fall of 2014 international instructor Klaas Barends (5th dan) will visit WHMAF schools in New York, Burlington and Houston. This is your opportunity to experience hankido first hand!
On September 27 Klaas will be in New York to teach at the New York Sangmukwan HKD Mission Team of instructor Michael Lee (3rd dan). Instructor Ron Wood (2nd dan) has invited Klaas to come to Burlington (VT) and teach there during the weekend of October 4 and 5. The next weekend, Saturday October 11, Klaas will be teaching at the Shinjinkan Aikido Dojo in The Woodlands (TX) with instructor Tom Foucha (3rd dan).
After the USA seminars Klaas will be traveling to Korea to take part in the Hankimuye Fall Seminars.
Please contact one of the above gentlemen if you are interested in training with Klaas Barends.
About Klaas
Klaas Barends is one of our federation’s international instructors. Klaas is a direct student of master Ko Baek-yong and one of the few foreigners who has had the pleasure to be on the mat with hankido’s founder, Myung Jae-nam. Klaas has taught hankido in the USA, Finland, Germany, Turkey, Russia and Thailand. He runs three schools in the Netherlands; Chongmukwan in Amsterdam, Emmeloord and Urk.