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Dan exams Netherlands


At the end of the 120-hour HKD course most of the participants were deemed eligible to test for their next belt. Four people tested for their next geup, while nine people test for their first, second or even third dan.

The 120-hour HKD course consisted of twelve days of intensive training with a minimum of ten training hours per day. The participants trained in the three HKD’s of hankido, hankumdo and hapkido. The hankido training emphasised cheongibeop, jigibeop and of course the samdaewolli (three basic prinipcles). During the hapkido lessons there was a lot of time to perfect kicking techniques and how to use them in sparring. The sword training focused most on learning the Korean alphabet and how to cut the letters in the traditional way.

Two weeks of intensive preparation for a dan test paid off for all those who tested. Master Ko Baek-yong praised them for their effort and dedication.

hankido exam
Dan exams 2015
hankido test