2018 Hankido Seminars
Plans for seminars in 2018 are starting to take shape. In January seminars have been confirmed with instructor Klaas Barends in Thailand and Spain. In May we will host another HKD Spring Seminar in Korea. In June we hope to welcome master Ko Se-hwan to Europe.
On January 13 instructor Klaas Barends will teach seminar in Bangkok, Thailand. The seminar will take place at the Martial Arts Academy of master Attawiboon Kampansak. The seminar is open to all students and instructor of all styles. Klaas will teach basic and advanced techniques and principles of hapkido and hankido. The seminar starts at 5 PM and will take about two hours. The school of master Kampansak can be found at Central Plaza Ramintra in Bangkok.
On Saturday January 27, two weeks after the seminar in Bangkok, instructors Klaas Barends and Wim van der Linden will travel to Mallorca, Spain, to teach to Spanish members of our federation. In 2016 master Ko Baek-yong traveled to Mallorca to teach hankido to a group of people interested in learning hankido. Since this first contact Klaas has been responsible for teaching master Ko’s style in Spain. This seminar is a continuation of this process.
The seminar is open to people of all styles and the theme will be similar to the seminar taught in Thailand. Instructors can benefit from private training on Friday and Sunday. Spanish instructors can contact Pedro Campillo for more information.
Spring Seminar
We invite everyone to our two week HKD Spring Seminar in South-Korea. Train hankido, hapkido and hankumdo at our headquarters near Seosan City. The seminars start on Monday April 30. Participants are asked to arrive on either April 28 or 29. More information can be found here.
More seminars
Plans for seminars in Europe with master Ko Sehwan in the early summer of 2018 are taking shape as well. Another HKD Fall Seminar in Korea will take place in October. As soon as more information comes available, we will post it on our website and facebook page.
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